Aryan Sadat
During high school, studying and successfully
practicing law was not something that Aryan
had considered, and it did not come easy for
him. With the negative influences he was
surrounded with and poor decision-making, he
crossed paths with the law on several
occasions. Unbelievably, Aryan dropped out of
high school and this made a huge impact in
Aryan's life. For many, a youthful conduct of this
nature would become an insurmountable
barrier leading to a troubled future. Remarkably
for Aryan, the challenges faced in his youth
became valuable life lessons and he managed
to learn from his mistakes while achieving a
positive growth mindset.
After returning to and graduating high school,
Aryan continued to pursue his studies at
University of Leicester in England.
Aryan was determined to become a lawyer and
inspire Calgarians through his community work
and leadership.
Aryan's given name was Mujtaba. However,
throughout his teenage and adult life, he was
called by "Aryan" as many people (such as
teachers, classmates, and coworkers) could not
pronounce Mujtaba properly. This made him
believe that as a future candidate and lawyer, it
would be best to continue to go by the name
Aryan for the simplicity and ease of it
compared to his real name. In 2015, he legally
changed his first name to Aryan, making it
simpler for everyone to pronounce.
Aryan has a strong passion for politics and
takes pride in helping the right candidates get
elected. Aryan first stepped foot into politics
when he became Advisor to former Alberta
Premier Jim Prentice during Prentice's
successful PC leadership campaign in 2014
and to former Minister of Infrastructure
Manmeet Singh Bhullar's campaign in 2015. He
also volunteered alongside Manmeet on a
special project helping Sikh and Hindu
minorities in Afghanistan. Numerous families
have now safely been relocated to India and
Canada where they have built new lives free of
religious persecution.
While overcoming obstacles from his past, Aryan Sadat knew he had the potential to change the course of his life with hard work and determination.
Aryan remains passionate about the community
through his extensive voluntary commitment to
local causes and helping those in need. In
2016, a drunk driver tragically killed a young
teenager in Calgary. Aryan's heart heavy with
the loss of a young Calgarian, Aryan was able to
raise over $8,000 in just 24 hours by calling on
his community to donate.
Aryan is now an inspiration and a role model for
youth who have faced similar challenges as he
has and helps them find the courage to change
their lives around, just as he did. Having
managed to escape a difficult past and believe
in his potential, he is motivated to help others
envision a positive future despite their negative
experiences. Recognizing the opportunities
that Canada, Alberta, and indeed Calgary have
afforded to him, Aryan wishes to create
opportunities for others to also have a second
chance at living a fulfilling life by mentoring
troubled youth.
It is Aryan's mission is to see our youth excel in
their education, personal lives, and careers.
Using the values Aryan has gained from his past
to become the motivated person he is today,
Aryan is prepared to change the future for the
betterment of all Canadians.
Today, Aryan's expanding law
practice focuses on civil litigation, family law,
criminal law, corporate law, immigration law, and
real estate law. Aryan is dedicated to Calgarians
through his law practice and community
engagement. Aryan is currently practicing with
Llewellyn Law in Alberta as well as his newly
expanding practice in Ontario.
Toronto Office
Phone: (647) 875-0422
E: info@aryansadat.com
Suite 1600—401 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario M5H 2Y4
Calgary Office
Llewellyn Law
Phone: 403-457-1550
Direct: 403-521-6369
Fax: 403-457-1552
E: asadat@llewellynlaw.net
2440 Kensington Road NW
Calgary, AB T2N 3S1